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Story Behind the CEO & FOUNDER



Dear fellow artists,


I founded AAPI Artists for Mental Initiative, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, with the mission to advocate for mental health awareness and support among artists within the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. 
My own struggle with mental health has been ongoing, sometimes feeling overwhelming. Through this journey, I've learned how hard it can be to recognize the signs of mental health issues.

In my case, I coped by isolating myself, distancing from those who cared. This solitary path felt like an escape. However, treatment provided a lifeline, even though the struggle continues.

As artists, we face both rejection and acceptance, but seeking help for our mental health should never face resistance. In a world demanding constant validation, managing our emotions can be challenging. Artists feel deeply, which is both a gift and a burden. When emotions become overwhelming, where can we find comfort?

AAMI was created by a dedicated team to offer resources so no one feels unheard or isolated. We provide a safe space and a platform for storytelling and creative expression, allowing artists to share their work and personal stories.

We believe in the value of every member of the AAMI community. Thank you for being part of it. Together, we can highlight the importance of our collective effort.


With heartfelt gratitude,

An Phan

©AAMI. 2024.

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